Back to work
By Alexander the Great Magician
Since March my work had been closed due to a roof leak issue. During this time I was working reduced hours which gave me much more time and energy to put towards magic.
Sadly enough, my schedule is back to the way it used to be:
On most days (Wednesday to Sunday) I will be busy from noon to 5pm. I would be free to do a show in the morning at 8am, 9am or 10am, or again after 6pm anytime.
This is still great news for me, you and the magic world!
This is great for me because I'm now back and working. While I am back at work this is good for you because I am able to work on some of the more complicated effects that require training and preparation. More trickery is afoot!
Finally its good for the magic world since I may have more energy to contribute to this great art of magic.